Do you find that your days just disappear?
You wake up, attempt to do the million things you want and need to do and before you know it, you’re tucking yourself into bed. Sound familiar?
With curiosity getting the better of me, I’m currently running a few self-experiments, to see where all my precious minutes are going.
With each discovery I’ve found a little trick to gain back a grasp on time, become more present and lead a productive life. These actionable steps will help you to understand what I mean.
Try them for yourself and see!
THE INTERNET can drag you in and not let you go for hours! Don’t get me wrong it’s amazing for many things, but finding yourself scrolling through unnecessary pages and profiles, is where we can gain back some time.
Next time your in a queue waiting for the cashier to serve you, try NOT to pick up your phone, scan the room and become aware of what’s going on around you. You’ll be amazed at how often you aimlessly scroll. You may even speak to the person next to you!
LIVING IN THE FUTURE can take us away from living in the moment and gives a sense of loosing time.
The next time you feel like time is moving too quickly, give this a go. I’ve been doing this at total random times and it almost feels like time pauses or even stops sometimes! I even ‘zone in’ whilst I’m walking somewhere. You don’t always have to be still.
It takes a few practices to get the hang of it but it’s worth it. This is probably my favourite step of them all!
- Pause and take a moment.
- ‘Zone in’ on yourself (eyes closed if you can) and feel whatever it is your body is touching. It maybe the cushions on your sofa, leaning against a brick wall or your feet on the grass.
- Then imagine a scanner hovering over your body from head to toe. Focus on how your body is feeling and the surrounding around you. Really notice those smells, sounds and temperatures.
- You don’t even have to do this for a minute and all of a sudden your in the now!
- Take a deep breath, notice what just happened and continue with your what you were doing but this time you’ll have present mind.
Through this tiny moment you’ll feel grounded, focused and back on track.
SUPERMARKETS can distract us from what we originally went in for, especially when you see red shiny signs.
- Dedicate ONE day in the week to roughly plan your meals for the week.
- Write out and stick to your list. Writing a list at home means you’re more likely to write healthy choices down and therefore are going to the shop with the intention of feeding yourself good food! There’s no time being wasted browsing shelves and refrains you from picking up items which would leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated.
- Even better..find and support your local farmer’s markets! Buy fresh, local, organic, seasonal produce if you can!
Is your KITCHEN TIME taking over your life a little too much?
- Wash your produce as soon as you get home from shopping, before storing them in your fridge and shelves.
- Chop, slice and cut up what you’ll be eating for the next few days ready!
- Prepare for a quick morning smoothie! Choose, chop and combo your favourite fruits and vegetables into reuseable storage bags/ containers and freeze them. So in the morning you just have to grab a bag and wizz it up in the blender with some nut milk or filtered water. Easy!
WAKING UP EARLY, now this is a little tricky for some!
Each of us need slightly different sleeping requirements to optimise our body, mind and even digestive system, so we can make the most of our time the next day. Over sleeping can usually leave us feeling even more tired and eats into our days.
- Don’t close your bedroom curtains at night before going to sleep. Let the natural light wake you up.
Our bodies have an inner clock that is synced to environmental factors around us. The suns light releases a hormone in our bodies called cortisol, which naturally wakes us up. Let the light do it for you!
Try these out and before you know it you’ll be a glowing, efficient, early bird superhuman!
These have worked a treat for me and to be honest I notice more than ever now! Like how people are happy to have a chat whilst waiting in queues, living in the present is so much for fulfilling and how much easier it is to get out of bed in the morning!
Let me know how they work for you!
To health and happiness,
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